The 1883 Bleach Playlist
New music from THE DRIVER ERA, Courtney Barnett, goth gf, and more on this week’s 1883 Playlist. Iconic rock group and previous 1883 cover stars (way back in 2012) The Vaccines have shared the pop new tune “Back In Love City” which is taken from their forthcoming new album of the same name. Alt-rock duo […]
The 1883 Breaking Point Playlist
New music from YARLIE, L Devine, Olivia Lunny and more on this week’s 1883 Magazine playlist. A new week brings new music — with NAYANA IZ new track being the inspiration of 1883’s playlist theme this week. On this weeks curation we have the latest from Winnipeg pop band Encore with their infectious bop “In My Head,” Gabrielle […]