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Being Dead

1883 Magazine chats to Being Dead about their debut LP When Horses Would Run and more.

American trio Being Dead are carving out a name for themselves thanks to their infectious blend of chaotic punk rock.

Founded by the Texas-based friends, Falcon B*tch, Gumball, and Ricky Moto, the band are a rowdy, carefree, and fun group. There’s no pretence or facades with the band, you get what you see. An energetic three-piece that love crafting tunes with elements of surf rock, punk, and psyche garage rock sonics. They’re also huge fans of eccentric goofball humour and a lot of things they say you must take with a pinch of salt due to their tongue-in-cheek nature. Yet in a world where a lot of new bands and acts are told by labels to act a certain way, it’s refreshing to see how Being Dead have constantly stayed unapologetically true to themselves. On July 14 the trio are revealing their debut record, When Horses Would Run. A record that boasts stories of carefree shoplifters, wayward cowboys, and even the final moments of a lonely Buffalo on a range. It’s certainly seeming to be an imaginative and interesting project, one that the band first started back in 2017. Ultimately, the album celebrates friendship and being your eccentric self without any hesitation or worry.

1883 Magazine chats to Being Dead about their first LP When Horses Would Run and more.



Hi Falcon, Gumball, and Ricky. We’re fast approaching the release of Being Dead’s debut record, When Horses Would Run. Could we start by talking about what were the biggest lessons you all learnt from making the record?

We learned how to taxidermy a buffalo! And surprisingly, we even got a solid grasp on annual percentage rates and compounding interest. Another key takeaway from the making of this record is that we absolutely cannot trust each other. (Not even a little bit! Haha ah! ) We sleep with one eye open every single night! We even agreed to use some of the band funds to buy military-grade night-vision goggles in efforts to restore some semblance of peace in our crazy but #blessed kingdom we call home. (But to be honest, we celebrate the conflict – that constant tension is what fuels the live show!)


Could you tell us about how long When Horses Would Run has been in the works and what you set out to achieve when writing the record? Some artists write and record in a short time frame or some bands spend a year working on a project, so it’s always interesting to know about the writing process in general.

Some songs attack you with a lead pipe while others waft in on a calm breeze. The writing process can take a few hours or a handful of sessions over the course of a year. It just depends on what the song is asking us to do. (ahh! Haha and lol) We’re not exactly sure when we started recording WHWR but we wrote most of these songs about five years ago. The pandemic threw a big wrench in the recording process but it was kind of nice to get a break and come back with fresh ideas on songs we weren’t totally satisfied with and toss others out the window.


How would you sum up the band for anyone who hasn’t discovered Being Dead yet?

We’re just goofballs goofing off. most things we make are the result of efforts to make each other laugh. You might think that’s wholesome or cute but we’re actually incredibly tough and badass with huge muscles too.


I really enjoy the group’s humour, whether it’s the imaginative backstories for each member or your hunt for Justin the Possum, it’s all so funny and shows off the band’s personality. I think more album campaigns need to have content like this. As some bands on social media seem a bit too controlled or their label wants them to act and look a certain way. What are your thoughts on the industry and social media use?

What came first – the art or the egg? The egg or the label? The song from the bird or the other bird? A great label never hinders or alters the work or presentation of the work. Long live Bayonet, amen. And yes, social media is an unfortunate necessity of making music in these times so we do what we must and sometimes even have a lil fun! Watch out.


Following that, what is the funniest story you can share or the funniest thing you’ve all seen when out on the road playing shows?

We’re tricksters that always go too far. The last time we tried to moon someone on the road? Well, let’s just say we had to hit the carwash and the limo still smells like crap.


What unreleased tracks from the record are you particularly excited for fans to hear once the album drops?

God vs The Bible …it’s real, you know?


What are your earliest memories related to music? When and how did you all discover your passion for the art form?

Joe Scruggs is kind of the father of all good music, right? Like, he was the one that gave birth to The Beatles and Rolling Stones, right? Didn’t Joe Scruggs teach Serj Tankian how to ride a bike and Flea how to read? He told The Who where they were and why…And nudged Britney to do it again. It’s said that Scruggs even warded off biting flies and spoon-fed Cindy Lee little spoonfuls of milk while they meditated beneath the Bodhi tree on their path to enlightenment. Bless him.


Finally, what’s next for Being Dead?

Album two is coming in hot folks! We also want to do an opera, a musical, a docu-series, and a cooking show. Now if only we could make a living from our art…these things might actually move into production. 


Being Dead’s debut album, When Horses Would Run, is out July 14th on Bayonet. Follow Being Dead @Being__Dead


Interview Cameron Poole

Photography Jade Hammer