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Cian Ducrot

Following the viral sensation from his self-written and produced track, All For You, Cian Ducrot has taken the music scene by storm with his new album, Victory.

Following the viral sensation from his self-written and self-produced track, All For You, Cian Ducrot has taken the music scene by storm with his new album, Victory.

Celebrating “self-belief of my grandparents, of my friends and everyone who fought by our side every step of the way”, this heartwarming project has soared to be a number 1 album, with impressive worldwide reach, spreading like wildfire. 

Exploring his personal experience of childhood trauma, lamenting the loss of a friend and celebrating the relationship of his brother, Cian says,

‘To begin to understand the album there’s some things you need to know about my life, where I came from, how I was raised, and the kind of kid I was. A broken home at an early age is where the story really began, my mom, my brother and I became a team and music was our saviour. It saved us mentally and spiritually but it also allowed my mom to literally put food on the table. My dad was very abusive growing up both physically and sexually, my mother fought extremely hard to protect my brother and I, and to get us away from him.’

The Irish singer-songwriter, signed to Polydor, has increased from 1.3m to 7.1m, across Spotify, YouTube, Instagram and Facebook, in less than a year. This staggering climb of his core fanbase comes to no surprise when we listen to Cian’s emotive vocal tone, story-telling narrative and polished production of Victory.

We had the opportunity to have a chat with Cian to delve deeper into his album, explore his personal growth as an artist and gain insight into a day-in-life of Cian Ducrot.


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Congrats on your latest album release, Victory! Being your first album, I’m sure you went through a rollercoaster of emotions leading up to the release. Tell me how felt throughout the process, your trials and tribulations, and how you feel now about finally having it out in the world? 

To be honest, I didn’t go through any rollercoaster of emotions really… even putting out the album there was no major buzz or crazy feeling.. but there was a feeling of relief that finally my album could come out. Releasing it meant I could be an album artist and people could hear all these songs I had written and we would be able to sing them together in the shows. I think the biggest feeling of high emotions with the album was when we got the UK and Irish number 1. That was a week after it came out and that was just insanely emotional because it was everyone coming together; my fans, family and friends – just everyone around who bought the album, listened to it and shared it and got it to number 1– it was insane. That was when I realised the support I’ve had around this has been beautiful and to see everyone pushing it – that was when it really hit me and it felt really special. I was in bits. I’m trying to hold onto that feeling – but it’s hard to hold onto the feeling as putting out an album is a strange thing to put out as you don’t know how people are relating to it, especially your debut album as you have nothing to compare it to. I’m just happy it’s out and hope people can enjoy it.


I read that you grew up in a musical household, your mother being a concert pianist and flutist. Did you feel any pressure to follow her journey and if so, how did this make you feel growing up?

My Mum is an amazing musician and I looked up to her so much growing up. That was definitely something that inspired me and made me realise that being a musician as a career was completely feasible– but I think her level was so high that I always tried to have my standards that high too. I always tried to be as good as her and would love to reach that level one day – I’m not sure I ever will! I never felt any pressure though, I just felt like I wanted to be like her and be as a good as her and wanted to make music for the same reasons as she did and everything she ever taught me about music and what it meant.


Does she still give you advice and gentle criticism.. Like all mothers manage to do?

Not really – she just lets me do what I want to do and praises me and loves what I make. I was always afraid to show her my music because she’s the person I was afraid the most wouldn’t like it! But since the album has come out – all she’s done is compliment it and tells me every day how much she loves it, how beautiful it is and how much it means to her. But I’m sure if there was stuff that was bad she would tell me she didn’t like it…she wouldn’t hold back! Ha! 


You first found an audience on TikTok last year with one of your singles, what would be your biggest piece of advice to give new artists who are looking to use the platform to reach new fans?

I would just say don’t get disheartened as it can be tough, you can feel like it’s not working for you. I think you have to keep believing in yourself and believe that you will find your voice on the platform. Be Yourself. I went for ages when nothing was working and now it looks like it was easy for me – but it wasn’t. It wasn’t like that for a really long time, I had to work really hard for a really long time for it to get to that point and I was willing to put the work in. And I think if you’re willing to put the work in as well – you can have the same results. Try different things, be yourself, try not to copy other people and do something that you want to do, something that you find fun and original. Just have some fun with it. 


Congratulations on your number 1 album…how did you celebrate? 

I cried a lot, popped a lot of champagne and I screamed and jumped around! I just had the absolute best amazing feelings in the world! Then I went on holiday with my girlfriend and best friend to Ibiza for the first time and chilled out. It was a really special moment to celebrate.


Listening to your lyrics, “Can’t imagine how it hurts / Tryin’ to be a dad, like, tryin’ to be the man, right? / Watching us fall, watching us cry, watching us conquer” are based on your relationship with your father. What was your relationship like with him and how did it lead you to write such deep and emotive tracks like Step Dad?

My relationship with father was very bad and he was abusive growing up. We don’t have a relationship, but at that time my stepdad came in and filled the shoes of a father which is very difficult shoes to fill in such difficult circumstances for many reasons. But without him I think we would have been very lost, he really was our rock and helped us through so much, especially my mum who needed someone to support her whilst she was supporting us. I have a lot of strong emotions towards those times and towards my stepdad and the love we had and wanted him to know we understand how difficult it was for him and that he was heard. That song was really important to me, there are a lot of things I’ve never said to him and I just wanted to put it in a song, sometimes things are scary to say and it’s easier to put in a song.


Cardigan and trousers Garbstore T- shirt A.P.C


The more I look at your artwork, the more I ask myself, how did you get up on those rocks without getting your clothes wet?! So let me ask you, what was the idea behind this artwork and were was this taken? Was there some kind of emotional connection to the album’s narrative? 

It’s me standing on three plinths and they represent a podium, which represent victory. They are in the middle of the water in Bournemouth on the seaside and I was carried out on somebody’s back and went up a ladder. Then that was removed and I had to stand in different positions and different outfits! It was a very wild freezing day and I was so cold! Also, I really love water and wanted it to be based around water, the sea, the beach, the seaside as that was where I found a lot of happiness when I was a child growing up. It just felt right to have that victory out of the water.


What does an average day in the life of Cian Ducrot look like in contrast to how you see your average day in a year’s time after the album hit top of the charts?

It probably going to look the same! It’s going to be very busy, doing a lot of interviews, videos, approve things, or I’m on tour and I’m somewhere different every day. It’s been absolutely insane since everything’s popped off -It’s been really cool! I rarely wake up at home, I wake up in a hotel somewhere else in the world! I’ve just had the pleasure of having 10 days off and waking up at home but it is about to become another busy few months of touring across the world – so it’s going to be hotels and tour buses for many months! I’m not complaining though, it’s great – it’s a fantastic life! 


I saw you tour support Ed Sheeran for his album release and Dermot Kennedy. What an amazing opportunity! What was it like playing alongside them? Did you come away having learnt from them?

Absolutely. Both Ed and Dermot have achieved amazing things, it’s phenomenal to see. Obviously Ed is one of the biggest global superstars in the whole world, if not THE biggest songwriter in the whole world. There is so much I learnt from him because he’s had so many years of experience. It was incredible and he’s such a lovely guy. That tour was mind blowing for me to be with Ed. Dermot as well, as a fellow Irishman – it blows me away what he’s achieved. He’s played Madison Square Garden and playing multiple stadium nights in Ireland – just another guy from Ireland and I would love to achieve something similar. Dermot was such a lovely guy, an amazing songwriter and his show is amazing. You really do learn a lot from going on those tours. You learn a lot from those opportunities alone – I’m eternally grateful to all of them to give me those opportunities. 


What’s something you cannot live without when you’re on tour?

I’m about to go on my first tour bus tour – so that’s going to be interesting! I think maybe my vocal steamer… and exercise. I bring the spike ball set on tour and try to play as much as I can with my friends and team. My friends and girlfriend.. and good food! I’m definitely going to bring my own pillow in future on tour…


Outside of songwriting, what are 3 things you enjoy doing in your spare time? 

I love skateboarding but I don’t do it that much anymore because it injures my back. I love all physical activities – Spike ball like I mentioned before, padel, going to the gym. I love just being with my friends, or going on holiday and traveling when you can visit places and relaxes. I love watching TV shows too! 


Victory is out now, follow Cian via @cianducrot


Interviewer Saina Penrake

Photography Jack Alexander

Styling Lewis Munro 

Grooming Charlie Cullen


Top image credits

Cardigan and trousers Garbstore T- shirt A.P.C