Ten Things You Should Know Before Divorce

A total of 689,308 divorces occurred in the US in 2021, making the rate 2.5 per 1,000. This is despite the complicated, expensive, and time-consuming process. In addition to the financial toll it can have on a person, it also causes immense emotional strain. To make matters worse, few people realize what they’re getting into when they file for a divorce. That’s why preparing yourself mentally for the challenges you’ll face is important. Here’s a list of 10 things you should know before filing for divorce. But remember, in order to learn more about the divorce process and how you should navigate it, visit https://rightlawyers.com/summerlin/.


1. You’ll Have To Divide Your Assets and Responsibilities

Aside from money, you and your spouse will divide other assets like personal property and assets. After you get married, any items that once belonged to you are equally shared. During a divorce, these possessions will split between you and your ex-spouse, but not equally.

To make the process less of a hassle, make a list of all the assets you and your spouse own. You should also compile all your accounts and debts. This should include individually and jointly titled possessions. If your spouse is moving to another residence, note any items they may have taken. If you’re worried about your spouse removing certain items, take pictures of them. This includes items in a storage unit or safe deposit box.


2. You Should Gather All Official Documentation

When you begin the divorce process, you’ll have to offer a detailed report of all your finances. It’s best to make copies of these documents while you can still access them. Otherwise, you’ll have to rely on your spouse to provide copies later, which can take a lot of time and delay the process. Make sure you have copies of the following:

  • Most recent paystubs
  • Tax returns
  • Credit card statements
  • Mortgage documents
  • Deeds to any vehicles
  • Estate planning documents
  • Loan applications

Of course, this list can vary depending on where you live, so it’s best to ask your divorce lawyer about what you need.


3. You May Need To Communicate With Your Spouse Afterwards

People often think that getting divorced means not meeting with their ex-spouse again. However, you should still remain civil in case you have to communicate later. In such situations, leftover resentment will make it difficult to have a proper discussion.


4.  Keep A Log Of Interactions With Your Spouse

The divorce court will likely go through your communication with your spouse regarding divorce proceedings. This can include disputes regarding the mismanagement of assets, custody of children, and even threats or abuse, all of which are scrutinized. If these conversations were verbal, prepare a log of the conversation with detailed notes.


5. Speak To a Lawyer Before Leaving Home

When you and your spouse have decided to separate, you may want to move out of the home and live elsewhere until the divorce proceedings end. If you leave the marital home without a proper reason, you may lose possession of the home and even child custody.

It’s likely that you’ll be unable to return until after the property is divided, which could take many months. Unless your spouse is violent, you should continue living at home.


6. Make Arrangements To See Your Kids

If you and your spouse have disputes over child custody, the court will consider your family’s current circumstances. This is to ensure that children experience a sense of stability after the divorce.

After you separate, you must prove your ability to look after your children. It’s why divorce attorneys recommend maintaining a close relationship. Be responsible for them by checking in on them and attending meetings at school and doctor’s visits.


7. Speak To a Marriage Counsellor

Many family law attorneys suggest couples see a marriage counselor before separating. Even if you and your partner believe that divorce is the best option, going through divorce counseling is an effective way to cope with the situation. It also helps you discover the potential factors that led to the divorce, which is crucial when trying to move on.


8. Your Children Will Have Many Questions

As an adult, you should inform your kids about the divorce simply and clearly. Ideally, you and your spouse should sit down with your kids to tell them about your decision. Use a calm tone and tell them that you’ve decided not to remain married.

You should make it a point to clarify that it’s not because of them. They may have many questions, and some of them will remain unspoken. As the parent, you should allow them to ask questions so they feel reassured and safe.


9. You Can Opt For Divorce Mediation or Arbitration

If you and your spouse agree on the matters regarding the divorce, you can opt for an uncontested divorce. Of course, that doesn’t mean you won’t need a professional representing you. It’s still best to consult an uncontested divorce attorney so you walk out of the divorce with your desired outcome.

If it’s a contested divorce, which is when one of the parties doesn’t want a divorce, or both of them, don’t agree on a certain dispute. In that case, going to trial can be very costly and time-consuming.

  • In divorce arbitration, you resolve matters in private by hiring an arbitrator, who is a private judge.
  • In divorce mediation, the parties voluntarily agree to collaborate on matters and come to a specific outcome.

With the average cost ranging around $7,000, it’s best to consider your options before going to trial.


10. Hire a Professional Divorce Attorney

Regardless of the route you choose, you should still speak with an alimony attorney who can represent your interests. While it may seem simple enough to represent yourself, divorce law can be complex and confusing. Not to mention, you’ll have numerous responsibilities to take care of during the process. It’s why you should speak to a professional attorney for a divorce consultation.



Now that you know a few crucial aspects to help you prepare for divorce, you’ll know what to expect during the process. Of course, being well-prepared doesn’t mean that you’ll be able to go through it alone. You’ll still need a professional divorce lawyer to represent your interests in court and ensure that you get fair outcomes.



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