Inspiration For Writing: How to Avoid Blockage

Future writers often ask us how to be inspired to write a book. Last year, in the writer’s habits survey, participants determined that music helps 54% of authors to write. A walk helps 47%, while 44% are motivated by reading. However, there are other ways to get inspiration for writing, and in this post, we want to add other ways to get inspired.

Before starting with the ideas on how to get inspired to write, you should know that inspiration is only the beginning, the first spark, but what shapes your novel, what makes it possible to write a book, is the habit getting a regularity, getting every day to write a few pages and acquire that discipline in which lies the success of the writer.


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With all this in mind, here are 10 tips for writing inspiration:


Exchange of ideas and get-togethers with other people

If literary gatherings have always existed, it has not only been to publicize works or deal with current affairs. Writers have also sought other writers’ impressions of their progress. However, to find out how your work is going or to get ideas about what kind of books people with an interest in reading would like to read, you can have a conversation with someone close to you, have an exchange of ideas, or have a quiet coffee with someone with similar concerns to yours, and ideas that motivate you to write that inspire you are sure to emerge. It is said that more ideas arise in a few minutes of conversation with a friend than in hours and hours of solitary thinking.


Current events

In the news, we often find very literary stories, stories of inspiration to write. If your intention is to write a detective novel, you are sure to find an event that triggers you to start documenting it. But in the daily life of the media, we have characters of all kinds, bizarre situations, or heroic actions where you can find literary wood. If the question is how to be inspired to write poetry, you can find something motivating in a newspaper.


A historical event that you are passionate about

And if it’s not in the present day, history is also an excellent place to start. You may not have the resources to narrate an event with a historian’s rigor, but you can use a moment in the past to set your novel of love, mystery, or adventure. You may also find unjust situations that inspire you to write a poem. So, diving into history and how to be inspired can be related phenomena.



Don’t worry. You will not need to travel every time you have a lack of inspiration to write. A walk through a quiet place in your environment can be helpful, or you can also use the memories or photographs you have of a trip you have made to make a spark jump. Of course, ideas for writing usually come up during your travels, so always keep a notebook handy to write down what could be the fruit of your literary work.


Visualize the final result, a rewarding moment

You want to write a book, publish it and have readers. Can you imagine what that means? Can you imagine dedicating copies? Signing your book at fairs? Presenting it to the public? Seeing your book in print for the first time? Imagine those moments of literary satisfaction when the reader thanks you for the story you’ve written. Isn’t it motivating to think about those moments? If you have trouble finding inspiration to write a book, visualize your book being published and in the Top Sales.


Look at your immediate environment

Gabriel García Márquez used to say that until he focused on writing a story based on the landscapes and society he had lived in since childhood, he failed. Based on his immediate surroundings, that novel was One Hundred Years of Solitude, one of the greatest literary successes ever. Therefore, you may not have to go far to find your story to write. It can be based on a personal or family experience. The scenario you are looking for can be your neighborhood. You just have to use the right look.


Any previous ideas

Do you keep those pages of a story you started but never finished, some notes in an old notebook? Dive into your past ideas. They may also hold a good story or that missing piece of your book. Having lots of notes, photos, and memories and keeping them well archived can be a good resource that can come in handy at some point.


Turn a classic around

It has happened to all of us at one time or another. We have read a famous essaywriter literary work and did not like the ending, or we are in front of a classic that could have a version to be developed today. Always without copying, but another literary work, your own or external, can also be your inspiration. You may be captivated by a character or a scenario, and you can try to improve that story that left you halfway, or a continuation or a modernized version may emerge from it. Try and see what comes out! What literary work inspires you?


What became of…

Many books start from that fashionable object for a while, and then we all forget about it. It can be about a character or a particular moment. What became of that thing we played with as children and dedicated so much time to that thing that attracted our attention? What became of it, or what could become of your book?


Let go and try again later

We have to assume that sometimes there are days when we are not focused enough to get down to writing, or we may have a problem. Remember that a day is just that, a day and a book is many days of writing, so sometimes it may be better to leave it at that moment, clear our heads and try again later or the next day. Sometimes it is better than insisting that the work is not of sufficient quality or that it must be redone later. Therefore, clearing your head and forgetting to write at a specific moment may be a good option too, and it inspires tomorrow’s writing.


Literary inspiration: One last and essential piece of advice

And we have left the main source of inspiration for the end. Remember that you learn to write by writing and redoing what you have written, but there is an activity that should be part of every writer’s daily routine: READING. Reading may inspire you to write, but if it doesn’t, you will gain vocabulary, learn narrative techniques, and have a constructive time that will make you grow in every way.

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