Starting the School Year Strong: 5 Tips To Set Your Child up for Success

As the first day of the new school year draws closer, you may notice that your children start to show signs that they are anxious and stressed out about the coming transition. If left unaddressed, anxiety can make it hard for your children to succeed in school. One option you have is to explore child anxiety medication over the counter. Along with medication and professional assessments, you can use the following five tips to help set your child up for success as they start the new school year.


1. Encourage Goal Setting

Have your children set goals for themselves for the upcoming school year? As a parent, you can model this important behavior and make goal setting a family activity. Sit down with your children and draft either a digital goal-setting chart or a hand-made chart. Choose a few goals you think you can achieve by the holidays and let your children choose theirs. Setting goals is a great way to ease anxiety and break down big obstacles into smaller, achievable tasks.


2. Addressing Anxiety And Stress

As you get ready to start the school year, don’t miss the opportunity to address anxiety and stress with your children. Your kids might be feeling funny about going back to school but may not be able to recognize anxiety. It’s up to you as the parent to recognize and identify stress when you see it.

To have healthy conversations, you should:

  • Be present and stay off your phone
  • Practice active listening
  • Use empathy and be kind
  • Ask open-ended questions
  • Come with an open mind and heart


3. Organize Living Spaces

If you dread asking your children to clean up after themselves, make sure that you organize your living spaces before school starts. Children with ADHD, anxiety, or other mental health issues don’t respond well when school and home life are stressful. You can explore an adderall over the counter substitute to help support your children’s wellbeing, and you can also plan ahead, giving them the space and time they need to be successful.

Set up an entire weekend with fun activities that involve organizing your living room, bedrooms, bathrooms, and more. Get your kids involved by letting them have a say in the decorations and organizational structure of the house.


4. Reward Healthy Choices

It’s not always easy to look for the positives, but you should focus on rewarding healthy choices so that your kids feel empowered before school starts. Showing your children that you recognize their good behavior is powerful. They will understand that they aren’t broken or badly behaved and that they can do things right. This confidence will carry over into the school year.


5. Get Into a Nighttime Routine

Sleep is essential when it comes to school success, so start getting into your nighttime routine two to four weeks before school starts. You can ease into a healthy bedtime by moving the routine up five to ten minutes every night for two weeks and then practicing the real bedtime for two more weeks. Slow transitions can help children with ADHD cope with change.

Your parental intuition probably buzzes when you see anxiety in 6-year-old symptoms. Learn more about the benefits of homeopathic medicine and help your child build confidence today.

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