What Time Of Year Do Moths Eat Clothes?

There is nothing more frustrating than pulling out your favorite clothing from storage, only to find it covered in holes. This is the result of Tineola Bisselliella (commonly known as a clothes moth), more specifically their larvae. The adult moths themselves don’t eat your clothes, but their babies do.

The number of clothes moths grows whenever the seasons get warmer. This means you are more than likely to find them around the beginning of spring around April to May, and then dying down again around October. However, because of the advancement of indoor heating clothes moths can survive in your home year-round.

Whenever they appear it is important to get rid of them quickly as a female moth can lay up to 200 eggs in one cluster. Below are some ways to get rid of and prevent clothes moths.

How To Get Rid Of Clothes Moths

The first step to getting rid of clothes moths is to get an effective moth killer spray for clothes. The eggs of a clothes moth are invisible to the human eye so having a spray that can cover a large area is important.  

It is also not common to see fully grown clothes moths as they prefer dark undisturbed places, so moth traps may be needed. These are boxes or tags that are sticky and produce the scent of female pheromones so that the males get stuck to them and are unable to breed.

These traps can also be used to gauge how big your infestation is, if it gets too large then you may need to call in pest control.

If you get an infestation then you need to thoroughly clean all your clothes at the highest possible temperature. If there are clothes that can’t be washed then they should be frozen to kill any larvae.

Another way to get rid of clothes moths is to introduce their natural predator into your home, Trichogramma parasitic wasps. Now, this may sound unpleasant but these wasps are microscopic and eat the eggs of clothes moths. These wasps are harmless to humans and animals, and once all the clothes moth eggs are gone then they will naturally die out as well.

How To Prevent Clothes Moths

While it is handy to know how to get rid of clothes moths, the best method is to prevent them entirely.

The best way to prevent clothes moths is to keep everything clean. Their eggs are typically found in dust so regular vacuuming can remove most of them, especially under rugs and in corners. It is imperative to keep your closet and drawers clean especially when the weather gets warmer and the eggs begin to hatch.

If you are packing any clothes away for a season then they need to be stored in moth-proof bags or boxes. They should also be packed away clean so that there is no chance of eggs being packed away with your clothes, especially because the larvae can live for months. If you don’t check on your clothes then the larvae have enough time to do some serious damage.

There are also natural ways you can prevent clothes moths, these typically involve strong smells to mask the smell of female pheromones. This can be done with pouches of lavender or essential oils. You can also have cedar wood furniture or cedar wood hanging to naturally repel the moths.

What Do They Eat

Clothes moths are attracted to the keratin in clothes. This is found in natural fibers like genuine wool, silk, and fur. This means that the clothes they like to eat are typically the most expensive materials.

This doesn’t mean they won’t eat synthetic clothes, clothes moths are also attracted to skin cells, sweat, food residue, and pet fur. This is why it is important to keep your clothes clean.

Despite their name, clothes moths will eat any kind of fabric. This could include furnishings, bedding, and carpets. So keeping your whole house clean is just as important as keeping your closet clean.


You need to make sure you are checking your clothes and furnishings frequently for any signs of clothes moths. The quicker you can spot the holes, the better chance you have of getting rid of them before they can do any more damage. 

Remember, the best way to prevent clothes moths is to keep your area clean. Your closet and drawers should be regularly dusted and any worn clothes need to be thoroughly cleaned before storage.


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