In-Game Concerts: Musicians Taking Centre Stage In Video Games

  Music and video games are more closely intertwined than most people might assume, as a lot of video games have featured not just the music, but also the likenesses of many musicians over the years. Now, the collaboration between artists and game studios has been taken to new heights as more and more musicians […]


Casinos have long been associated with mystery and glamour, depicted in movies nearly as often as in real life. But the charisma of a casino is not all it’s cracked up to be when you look at them from the outside. Who better portrays the dark side of casinos than their favourite celebrities? The silver […]

Experiencing Podcast Molto Italiano

Episode two of Molto Italiano, the Dolce & Gabbana podcast that delves into subject matter such as the brassiere and the tank top, is all about the color black. In this episode, Isabella Rossellini guides listeners through eye-opening discoveries about the color, sharing time with Dominico Dolce and Stefano Gabbana, who also hold forth about […]