Make Sure Your Car Is Ready for Your Road Trip by Taking These Steps

Going on road trips is a great way to explore a lot of attractions and discover the amazing spots at your own pace. Most road trips, however, can put your car through your wringer, especially if your route will take you through rougher terrain and long distances. Fortunately, you can make your vehicle ready for your trip by taking several important steps like the following:

Have your car serviced and repaired

Weeks before your road trip, bring your vehicle to your favourite mechanic and have them do a full inspection and servicing. If they find anything wrong in the car (no matter how minor it might seem), ask them to perform the required repairs. This might seem like an unnecessary additional expense, but it’s worth the cost since it ensures that your vehicle will be in excellent condition from top to bottom and that it’s less likely to break down during your trip.

Review your insurance policies

Car owners are required to obtain compulsory third-party liability coverage before they can have their vehicle insured. But take note that this only covers the other party’s medical and car repair/replacement costs if you’d get involved in a road traffic accident—it doesn’t really provide any coverage for you. Because of this, you’ll want to get in additional car insurance and ensure they’ll take effect before your road trip begins. Comprehensive insurance is a must-have since it covers the cost of repairs for your car in case of a traffic collision (whether it’s your fault or not). You must also obtain fire and theft cover, which protects you if your vehicle catches fire or gets stolen.

Make your car more comfortable

You’ll be spending a large portion of the day in your car during your road trip. Because of this, you must ensure that your vehicle is cosy and welcoming and that you’ll stay comfortable in it even when you’re driving for hours. Install a car sunshade in every window to reduce the amount of UV rays that enters your car while minimising glare and its blinding effects. You can also invest in high-quality seat covers that make your car seats more comfortable to sit on. Of course, before you leave, give your vehicle’s air-conditioning system plenty of TLC so you can keep your car interior at the ideal temperature throughout your entire road trip.

Pack all basic car repair tools

No matter how well-prepared you are, you can’t really predict every single thing that would happen during your trip. Because of this, you’ll have to prepare for any scenario and bring along the items you’ll need to fix any possible car issue. These include a tire jack, a lug wrench, a spare tire, a pair of jumper cables, and a length of thick towing rope.

Create a car emergency kit

Aside from bringing along car repair tools, you should also pack a fully equipped emergency kit that will help you stay safe and healthy in case something goes wrong during your trip. Your emergency kit should contain first-aid supplies, flashlights, batteries, thermal blankets, power banks, and food and water with long shelf lives, among others.

Road trips are fun but can take a huge toll on your car. Fortunately, by using the tips above, you can minimise the impact on your car and ensure that it will stay roadworthy and dependable throughout your entire trip!

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