The 1883 By Your Side Playlist

New music from Brite Spires, Mandi Sagal, Zyra & more on this week’s 1883 Playlist. Wallice drops her debut coming-of-age EP (and we love the track “23”), Grace Gaustad releases her first single — “Sandman” — ahead of her forthcoming debut album out at the end of the summer, and Music City-based pop artist Olivia Grasso tackles the […]
The 1883 Fuse Playlist

New music from Savannah Conley, Dylan Cartlidge, Flo Gallop & more on this week’s 1883 playlist. A new week brings new music and after a year of lockdown, pandemic woes, and the like, The Wrecks just want to say: ‘I Want My Life Back Now’. Nashville singer/songwriter Savannah Conley breaks old routines in ‘Not Where I’m Going’, […]
The 1883 Runaway Playlist

New tracks from Tom Odell, Maeve, Eli Smart & more on this week’s 1883 Playlist. Stockholm multi-hyphenate artist COBRAH brings cyberpunk to our playlist with ‘DIP N DRIP,’ Maeve learns to become the main character of her story in the self-produced single ‘Manic Pixie Dream Girl’, and Olivia Morreale blends a multitude of genres on her track ‘NO ANSWER’. Timeless […]