Jack Ducker – Rock Star – Video Premiere

New on our musical radar is artist, writer, producer and multi-instrumentalist Jack Ducker. Now I’m not a smoker or whiskey drinker but with his video for debut track Rockstar I feel the need to take up both just so I can step into Jack’s world.

Mixing rock with a hint of country and a rolling base guitar line, Rockstar is the type of track I could imagine in a Steven Soderbergh or Tarantino film scene. Inspired by the sounds of White Denim, Cage The Elephant and Jeff Buckley and recorded the track on tape, it’s clear that authenticity is the key to Jack’s musical journey.

In the accompanying video, shot film by director Alex Beer, we see subtle seduction on the dance floor, raw blown-out blacks and whites with nods to film noir.

Written at his own studio, Fairlight, this is Jack stepping out of the shadows and making the transition from producer to artist, having previously written for multiple artists over the last 7 years.

We will have to wait a little longer for his debut EP due out early next year, but in the meantime we have the video premiere for Rockstar today on 1883. Check it out!


Follow Jack via @jackduckermusic