The Benefits of Chess for the Intellectual Development

Chess offers considerable benefits as a ludic activity in the cognitive, psychomotor and affective development of the individual from childhood until reaching adulthood through its contribution in the solution of problems related to the acquisition of skills to play.


Infants involved in chess increase their academic performance of schoolchildren, especially in the area of mathematics and literacy processes, in turn, it reduces the rate of crime, drug addictions and other types of crimes product of leisure. Studies have shown how after a time playing chess systematically, a person’s IQ can rise, in addition to improving problem-solving skills, language, and memorization skills.

The origins of chess date back to 1500 years ago and it has evolved both in its appearance and in its rules until it reached its current form. Many children start playing as entertainment and fun. Neither children nor parents and educators, being aware of all the benefits that this game can bring throughout his life.

Different researchers have conducted an exhaustive study on the contributions of chess in the integral development of a child with special attention to those related to the cognitive, psychomotor and affective development for its benefits in the medium and long term.

More on the subject can be found in relation direct relationship between chess practice and its contribution in the treatment of diseases and conditions of human beings from childhood to the prevention of serious illnesses that increase their appearance over time.

On the same note, we find the relation of chess and educational, where the practice of chess can be used as a pedagogical tool potentiating intelligence and school performance, together with the incidence of it in the social aspect,  where factors such as inclusion, ethics, morality and integration come into play.

If one goes over all the chess-related literature online, it is inevitable to meet all perks and possibilities chess provides an individual throughout his/her development.

Chess can simply be a very fun game that can be played from the age of 3 to 103, as well as it can be a very demanding sport if you want to reach a high professional level.

According to the mainstream lexicons of the English language chess is defined as a “board game between two people that is played on a checkerboard in which the 16 pieces of each player, unequal in importance and value, move and interact with each other according to certain rules ”.

Chess origins date back to the 6th century,  and it has more than 1,500 years of documented history. It is conjectured also that originated in a country near India, moving then to the Persia,  what is now known as Iran, spreading then to the world.

Modern chess, as it is practised today, originated in Europe. Some may argue that its practice and development have contributed to the region’s advance industry and politics.

Chess, music and mathematics are the three human activities that produce more child prodigies,  therefore it is inevitable to consider the increase of a person’s learning skills as chess benefits.

Cognition is the brain’s ability to process information so that the individual can face the challenges of daily life, and the psychomotor development is the acquisition of skills that a child achieves in childhood. This produces the maturation of nerve structures through exploratory discovery learning of the environment and oneself. The discovery and interaction of children with his/her peers contribute to the development of the identity, then being able to distinguish, identify, manage, express and control emotions.

Research and actual have been proven that, through chess practices, a child obtains various benefits in different areas.

At an intellectual level, the impact is reflected through the increase in the level of attention and concentration. One of the skills that more quickly develops and one of the most important is that you should be aware of every movement. Any oversight can end previous achievements.

Analysis and synthesis are key elements in a chess match since it is necessary to analyze the possible alternatives and combinations of moves and synthesize which is the one that best meets the requirements to improve in the game.

Another one of the chess benefits is the development of logical-mathematical thinking and mental calculation. This is related to the internal process that happens on the mind of the player concerning the moves, strategies, and exchange of pieces, among others.

The non-stop brain activity is one of the chess benefits that increases and enhances creativity and imagination. That is, a constant creative process to find ways to defeat your opponent. This inevitable leads to develop a certain level of adaptability and flexibility to sort out the different situation that is presented to you in the game.

A chess match is a game of two, you and your opponent. Emotional control is one the chess benefits that develop in time, teaching you not get carried away by anger and spite, not give clues to the opponent; controlling the frustration that may come from a defeat.

Being intellectually sound, so to speak, includes a certain degree of responsibility. A person is, in part, the result of his actions. One must acknowledge mistakes, establish goals, and assume the consequences of one’s actions. A wrong move, made by you, will make you win or lose. The selection of such move, good or bad, might affect your self-esteem depending on whether the outcome of the game was negative or positive.

The resolution of problems and decision-making that comes from facing a chess match contributes to the list of chess benefits to a person’s intellectual development. Chance has little role in chess.

In life as well as in chess, rules are to be followed and respected with honesty and integrity. While learning chess, a difficult process is presented to the player, that is, acceptance of the result, and points of view.

Man and women, with their knowledge and experiences, are the main drivers of society and the fundamental driving force of scientific-technical progress. They are the most valuable resource of nature. The development of the human being is a conscious and integral process, which is expressed in the biological, psychological and social; a dialectical process that implies the movement from the simple to the complex, from the inferior to the superior and in a spiral, where the new contains the old but, at the same time, surpasses it. Chess benefits mentioned above contribute a great deal to this integral process of learning.

In a general sense, intellectual development is a process where there is a gradual growth of the faculty of knowing and understanding the environment in a subject, throughout his life cycle; starting from being able to link their perceptions, to abstract, associate concepts, have an evaluative perception of themselves, which must imply a positive and adequate attitude towards intellectual tasks and their actions in general, expressed in a certain degree of confidence, respect, consideration, acceptance in the function of establishing satisfactory relationships with their environment and achieve personal growth.


Chess is relevant to a child or an adult since it constitutes a ludic activity favouring intellectual development, fostering communication and interaction with peers; in which they appropriate or modify skills and acquires capacities for its subsequent performance in social life.

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