9 Ultimate Tips for a Better Time Management

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Are you a person who is super busy to the point where you are unable to manage your time properly? In order not to let all your busyness become an excuse for not being able to get things done and even forgetting promises that can destroy relationships with your loved ones, here are the simple but highly effective ways you can do to manage your schedule better!


1.   Utilize Your Calendar

When you are so busy, it’s not uncommon for you to eventually forget about the date and what you are planning for the day. To troubleshoot this problem,  you have to be active in using the calendar either on your smartphone or by writing it in a journal or marking your physical calendar.

It is highly recommended to utilize Google Calendar because it can do wonders to store all information about your meeting, and Google will also remind you when the coming date is near. Thus saving information about tasks, events to attend, and other reminders can be easier to do. This way, you don’t have to worry anymore about meeting schedules, appointments, or deadlines to work on. Everything will be stored neatly in your calendar managing time will be easy


2.   Time Tracker

Focusing on one thing can make us forget to do other tasks. Sometimes it makes you confused about what to do first. To manage your time and priorities better, you should make a time tracker manually on a Post-it that you put near your computer. But to be more effective and sustainable (using less paper), instead of writing it down on Post-it, why don’t you download an app that can help you set your schedule? There are lots of apps available online to download on App Store or Play Store.


3.   Have Enough Sleep

Did you know that your sleep pattern will affect how you manage your time? Getting enough sleep, around 7-9 hours a day will refresh your brain so you don’t feel tired all the time. Reduce the pattern of staying up late and stay away from consuming excessive caffeine beverages.


4.   Review Your Activities

This method can increase productivity and help you manage time better! What you should do is, every time you are about to go to sleep, you can look back at the weekly calendars that you have filled with task lists, reminders, or even upcoming schedules. That way your brain will be reminded again about what work to do the next day so you won’t be confused in the morning.  The next thing you can do to review your activities is by opening incoming emails and reading them again. Are there any assignments that need to be written down?  Or is there a missed schedule? 


5.   Make a Plan

According to a study, productive hours at work is only around 4 hours out of 8 hours of total working time. Because half a day at work will be used to check email, pick up the phone, send emails, and conduct meetings. Therefore, make a plan early in the morning for what you will do productively within 4 hours. This can be useful for you to better manage your daily activities.

Daily planning does not only contain your work priority. You can also put in some urgent things that you may need to do related to your family or household chore. For example, making time to pay for monthly home expenses, scheduling dentist appointments, or finding aircon services Singapore that can troubleshoot your ac problem. Simple but important household chores which urgently needed your attention could also be put down on this list, thus you won’t forget.


6.   Avoid Multitasking

Multitasking at work is an ability that not everyone has, unfortunately, multitasking is not recommended to do. Multitasking can interfere with concentration to do other things and thus make you forget about the main task.  It is better if you finish one task first and afterward switch to the other after it is finished.


7.   Sort and Prioritize Tasks

To make it easier to manage your time every day, you are required to sort out every task that comes. Divide your assignments into posts containing “important, but not urgent”, “important and urgent”, “not so important, not urgent”, and “urgent, not so important”.  By sharing these posts you will find it easier to know the assignments that you urgently need to check on your list, and which assignment you probably can give to someone else.


8.   Short Breaks

Too much sitting in front of a laptop or computer is not very good for your health. If you’re already feeling achy, take a walk or stand for 5 minutes to get the blood flowing, and rest your eyes for a moment. This way, you will be much more comfortable working after a break.


9.   Learn from Experience

Analyze your mistakes from the past for better productivity.  By reviewing your habits in doing assignments every day, you will be able to manage your time better because you have learned from the mistakes you have made before.

Completing deadlines and managing your time well, will not be completed if it is not accompanied by intention and commitment from within.  Promise yourself to get it done on time. If possible, complete it before the deadline comes so you have time to review the assignments you are working on.

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