The 5 most popular hobbies of the rich and famous

While we would guess that every person in the world loves a good slots and online game, there are many ways that we might choose to spend our time.

But what should we be doing to pass all this time we have gained? Maye, just maybe, the answer to our questions could be found in the example set by some of the richest and most famous in the world. Sure, we might not be able to take any of these hobbies up but this guide will help inform your daydreams for the coming days.


Collecting Things

When you have money and you want to flaunt it then you need to possess objects. What better way to flash your wealth than by choosing something lavish to collect – like rare watches, designer bags, the world’s most extravagant shoes, wines – oh – and maybe even cars.

Now, you will need a huge bank account for this hobby for two reasons. First, if you want the rarest items for your collection, then you are going to pay a huge price. You will go from auction to auction and raise your hand time and again. Then, you need to maintain that collection. Rare paintings will need a rarefied atmosphere to stop the pollution damaging your possession. You will also need a major security upgrade – a padlock might not be enough to keep people away from your £200k antique watch. You will need to continually treat the leather of that bag and make sure there is the right level of moisture in the air.

While the most fun is ownership, this hobby also needs you to want to covet those possessions to keep them safely in your possession.


Snow sports

The rich and the famous are lovers of the slopes. Skiing and snowboarding are popular hobbies amongst celebrities – and has been since they officially became a sport 300 years ago. Whether it is weekend trips to the mountains in LA or a winter cabin getaway in Europe, those in the know love this hobby.

However, if you think this would be something you would love to do – get saving. Skiing and snowboarding are insanely expensive – with just a lift ticket for a day setting you back $150. However, if you are a billionaire and can find some cash down the back of the sofa, you could buy your own side of a mountain so you can ski in peace. Roman Abramovich did just this – buying his own recount in France. If you could, you would too. Plus you also need to check a quality ski snowboard gear, to make your experience extraordinary” after “with just a lift ticket for a day setting you back $150.


Water sports

Not a lover of the cold but don’t mind getting wet? Then swap your mountain skis for your water skis and you will still be living the life of the rich and famous. Sailing is an obvious hobby of the rich and famous- but so is cruising, surfing, jet skiing – and generally anything on the water.

While the cost of these hobbies vary a lot, you will still need to spend big on water sports equipment, boat accessories and upgrades if you want to do it in the style of celebrities. Aside from these, it is not only about popping down to the local beach, you will need your own luxury resort with your personal floating deck that offers you complete seclusion. And, if you are properly dripping in wealth, you can buy yourself an island and invest in some docking .


Playing Golf

While some people see golf as a walk that is interrupted by the search for a small ball, others are obsessed with this hobby. Take a look at Donald Trump – owner of multiple courses – to see that it can overtake your world. One of the keys to be successfully famous is being invited as a member in some of the most exclusive golf clubs in the world. Therefore, even if you hate golf, to be someone you need to give it a go. We recommend visiting The Left Rough that is a great source of information.

But, gold is an expensive sport. There is the price of the equipment, the rental of the golf course, the need to hire that golf professional or look into a golf swing analyzer to help hone your skills – and the socialising at the 19th hole too.

It will take years to become skilled enough at golf to use it as a networking tool with the rich and famous. You might want to start with mini-golf. You can also visit to learn more about the Beginners’ Guide To Playing Golf.



The ultimate hobby of the rich and famous is jet-setting. Call your pilot, ask him to line up your jet, and off you pop to your favourite destination around the world.  While travelling is undoubtedly more accessible than ever before, we are not talking the normal excursion here. You won’t be using the normal airlines – even if they promise you an upgrade. And, when you arrive, you will want to hire the most deluxe locations. There will be no hotel room here – you will be hiring yourself a house for the duration.

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