What do you include in a complete kitchen equipment kit? What level of cook are you or your family, and what skills do you want to develop? There are endless machines to assist with processes you frequently repeat, and those you only use twice, then collect dust.
I live 800m from a local market. It meets all of my fresh ingredient needs. There is also a variety of freshly cooked meals from diverse cuisine options. Weeks can go by without cooking and still eating fresh, healthy food. My kitchen needs are low. Not everyone is that fortunate.
You owe it to yourself and your family’s wellness to read up on current research on the long-term effects of microwaved food. Chef “Mic” should be terminated from all kitchens for causing infertility, erectile, hormonal, brain structure, and cancerous issues.
Is that enough to convince you to go fresh and eliminate processed, microwaved, and fast foods in your diet? Those are just the major issues. Fatigue, migraines, and memory loss are other possible side effects of long-term microwaved food ingestion.
What is on your list of kitchen needs?
- A large refrigerator with a small freezer drawer will force you to buy fresh and not frozen.
- The most basic kitchen tools are a kettle and coffee press. Coffee is the elixir of motion and a press is the best way to receive the benefits of its polyphenol-loaded caffeine. Polyphenols have a role in anti-cancer and anti-cardiovascular diseases. Fill up another cup.
- A new-gen toaster or toaster oven is handy. They received a much-needed tech upgrade for consistency, with lower power use than larger equipment.
- Air fryers are excellent small living kitchen equipment options due to their diverse applications, ease of cleaning, low power use, and healthy product quality. Air fryers can also be used as steamers for clean cooking.
- An electric griddle or grille can fry up any protein and achieve the sear you desire to seal in flavours.
- If your family is large, you’ll need a full-sized oven and range or commercial. I do not know how my mother raised nine of us on four burners and one oven. Legend.
- A slow cooker will allow brazing, roasting, and stewing menu options to your repertoire. It’s too easy to chuck in your meat, veg, spices, stock, then set it and get on with your day. Dinner will be ready.
- When I think of big kitchen tasks, I think of the body-saving power of a mixer. Needing bread, whisking sauces, whipping potatoes, and purees, or mixing pasta and batters are all a flick of a switch away from completion.
- I can understand having a dishwasher, and for those of you who do, please follow this recipe to save money and our drinking water from the sulphates in liquid soaps.
Combine 500ml of borax, and 500ml of soda ash, and mix well. To that add, 125ml salt, and 125ml citric acid powder, then mix thoroughly. Store the mix in an airtight container to prevent moisture intrusion. Use 40ml per load of dishes. You can find all the ingredients in your local grocery store.
Take care of yourself and your family with fresh meals, for every meal.