How to Create the Perfect Virtual Mother’s Day This Year

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The bad news is that for many of us, this will be the second year in a row where we have to celebrate Mom virtually.

The good news is that since we’ve done this once before, we’ve worked out the kinks and can make this virtual Mother’s Day perfect! Here are some tips for a virtual bash that Mom won’t forget.


Start by Sending Flowers

Make sure to set the stage for a beautiful Mother’s Day with a Mother’s Day plant delivery. If you can’t be there in person, at least a gorgeous bouquet of plants can be! (Plus, they’re scientifically proven to make her happy.) Make sure to include a sweet note in the card, maybe even sharing a favorite memory of a past Mother’s Day Celebration and your plans to hug Mom as soon as you can.


Create a Playlist

Create a playlist of your mom’s old favorites and combine it with new songs you think she’ll like, then email her the link to listen to it on the big day. Let her know that you’ll be listening to it at the same time, so it’s like you’re in the same room together.


Schedule a Group Video Call

Before Mother’s Day, send out an email inviting all of your Mom’s loved ones to a video call, so you can all hop on and chat at the same time. She’ll be so pleasantly surprised and maybe even brought to tears!


Cook a Meal Together

If you have a traditional meal that you usually cook together on Mother’s Day (we’re looking at you, champagne brunch), you can still do it this year. Plan ahead of time with your Mom what each of you want to make, then cook it at the same time on a video call. Your mom can give you advice and corrections as you cook — just like she always does!


Get the Little Ones Involved

If you have kids (of the human or the furry variety), chances are your mom misses them just as much as she misses you. Before they join the video call, have them prepare a special song or performance that they’ll do just for Grandma! Or, if your little one is on the shy side, have them paint an art piece for Grandma beforehand, then scan and send it via email.


Give Her an Old Fashioned Phone Call

Video calls and other new technology are great for staying in contact, especially during these tumultuous times, but sometimes nothing beats a good old fashioned phone call. Take the time to really chat with your mom, catch up on her life, and give her the details of yours — things you may not have time for on the average day.


Although it’s a bummer to spend another year celebrating mom from a distance, you’re doing the right thing by keeping her (and everyone else) healthy and safe. By next year, we bet things will get a lot better. And until then, these virtual celebrations may be even more memorable than the real thing!

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