Mikaila Murphy

Find strength in learning to simply Float in Mikaila Murphy’s latest single.

Bridging her background as a dancer with her artistry was the catalyst to Mikaila Murphy’s latest single, Float. The punchy alt-pop sound is one that Murphy has become known for, but this time her fans get a glimpse into the singer’s other passion: dance. Bringing together her love of dance and visual choreography, the music video for Float shows Murphy’s ability to push her artistry — and dancing skills — to create a visual narrative that is equal parts compelling and cathartic.

1883 Magazine chats with Mikaila Murphy about Float, dancing, and more.


Float is a beautiful track. Was there a specific moment that inspired you to make it?

I sat by the ocean one day and thought of a bunch of words and phrases that reference the ocean. I didn’t think I’d ever use it, but a couple weeks later I went to the float studio session and I decided to write about love and the ocean.


Can you tell us the inspiration behind the music video’s concept?

My producer G and I wanted a fun upbeat song that I could dance to and show my real artistry. As I listened to float more and more, so many sick ideas came to mind! I knew I needed to go back home to Michigan and visit my favourite lake (Lake Huron in Tawas) and I knew I needed to use young pre-professional Michigan dancers!


This song in particular is rooted in something that many people will relate to — what do you hope people take away from it? 

That you can’t let toxicity pull you under. Stand up for yourself and watch how you’ll “float” aka grow.


What did you learn about yourself while writing and recording Float?

I learned that I have a lot of secret talents. G pushed me to come up with the majority of float’s Melodie’s on my own and I wrote the majority of the lyrics all on my own. There’s nothing you can’t be capable of if you push yourself!


Your lyricism is incredibly vulnerable and expressive. Is it difficult for you to be open in songwriting or is it something that comes natural?

It definitely comes naturally just like dancing!


You’re from Michigan — can you describe how you think the music scene there has influenced your music and you as a person?

The music scene in Michigan has influenced me by showing that being your true self and writing from the heart will attract people! A lot of Michigan’s biggest artists are phenomenal writers!


Dance is incredibly prevalent in your work, how has it been integrating these two passions?

It has been incredible. It’s so cool being able to dance to my own music! I’m able to create music specifically for dance visions! I like that I’m able to express myself through words and body movements and tell my own stories.


Are there any other artists in the scene we should be looking out for?

Molly Moore, Cassidi, and Faangs. I had the luxury of working with this ladies and they are insanely talented and have such beautiful souls. They each inspire me so much.


What 3 songs would you choose to soundtrack your perfect day?

Don’t let me down by chain smokers – this song makes me happy and it makes me dance!

No Promises by Cheat Codes and Demi Lovato! It reminds me of the summer cruising down the road with the top of the car rolled down!

Lastly, Chasing cars by Sleeping at Last. I love listening to that song while swinging in my egg chair looking at the stars.


Lastly, if you could manifest something for yourself this year what would it be?

For one of my songs to go tiktok viral!