Biggest European Casino Trends for 2022

Thanks to the technological advancements and internet, the online gambling industry has developed beyond our wildest dreams. Europe’s online gaming sector has grown at an exponential rate, with numerous nations, including the United Kingdom, Germany, Italy, and Switzerland, emerging as key online-gambling markets. The number of new casinos released is expected to continue increasing in […]

8 Summer Jewelry Trends You Should Know About

  If there’s one thing we know, it’s that fine jewelry never goes out of style. A well-cut diamond, precious metal and fine gemstones have been coveted for centuries and will continue to hold a place in our hearts for the decades to come. However, if you are looking to be at the cutting edge […]

At-Home Gaming Ideas

Gaming has become one of the most popular forms of entertainment throughout the entire world as people everywhere take to different platforms in order to go on exciting new games and play against others from around the globe. The benefit of gaming is that it can be done at home. In order to enjoy the […]


Three consecutive rap albums into the game and Aussie rapper-turned-singer Allday – born Tomas Gaynor – has shifted his own paradigm with the release of his fourth LP, Drinking With My Smoking Friends. A mostly guitar driven rock album packed with melancholic vocals and sentimental riffs, the ten-track record— due out on May 28th— boasts […]

How to Make Your Makeup Last Longer if You Wear Glasses

If you wear glasses, you’re probably all too familiar with getting foundation on the frames and mascara on the lenses. In addition to getting your glasses dirty, this makeup transfer means that your products aren’t lasting on your face and are smudging everywhere instead. So, how can you solve this incredibly annoying problem? Here are […]

Tai Verdes – TV – Track by Track

Tai Verdes takes listeners on a creative musical journey with his new album TV – a chronological reimagining of the last four years of his life as if they were unfolding on a feel-good television show – and he provides 1883 with an exclusive track-by-track explanation behind this inspirational endeavor. Known for his irresistible viral […]